Tuesday, November 13, 2007

10 weeks....time is going too fast!

I'm sad!

His time as a tiny little newborn is just going too fast for my liking. I want time to stop so I can savor every moment of this stage in his life, I want it to slow down so I can drink in every smile, every giggle, every sweet tender moment. I'm happy that he is growing because that means he is healthy but at the same time it's with a bittersweet outlook I have that he will soon be rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and moving on to being a big boy. My sweet little baby will grow just like his older siblings did, and he will do it too fast. When people say time goes faster the older you get, they are unfortunately all too correct. I can't believe it's almost Christmas again!

Garrett is doing great though. He had his two month appointment last week and he was 11 pounds 6 ounces, 23 inches long. His only problem is that he has sensitive skin and must be drowned in lotion several times a day. He has had a stuffy nose for the past month or so, which they are unable to really treat as he is too little for cold meds. His biggest accomplishment this month was learning to smile. Is there anything more heartwarming than seeing this little guy's eyes light up and the corners of his mouth start to turn up, then next he is all out just beaming up at you? It totally melts my heart. The best time is right before I leave for work everyday, he usually is awake and lying with daddy in bed, and he just wrinkles up his nose and starts with a ten minute smilefest! He's becoming a lot more interactive and is starting to "talk" to us. He's discovering that he has hands and has been caught trying to stick his whole fist in his mouth! I swear he is the easiest baby I've ever had. He is just so happy and content and you can tell that he just knows that he is loved!

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and for the first time ever I will be hosting it at my home. Everyone knows that cooking is low on my list of talents, somewhere like at a ranking of negative 100? So it should be interesting to say the least. Actually I'm looking forward to the challenge and to having my home filled with all of my family and creating a new memory for Garrett's first Thanksgiving. Too bad little monster doesn't get to eat any of the meal...maybe he will be able to taste the turkey or stuffing in his breastmilk.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

6 Weeks Old Already?

I can't believe my little guy is already six weeks old. He's grown so much so quickly, he really is changing daily right before my eyes. It makes me sad that it's going by so fast. Tomorrow will be my first day back to work and his first day with a new babysitter. I am not as nervous as I was the first time I left a baby, being he is my third child, but am still somewhat nervous and sad to leave him. I am sad about what I will be missing out on while I am at the office, the cute little smiles and coos. I'm scared I will miss the first time he rolls over or sits up, all the milestones. But the bills have to be paid and I am not good as a stay at home mom, I'd probably lose my mind. I will always cherish these last six weeks however. I love holding him, talking to him, singing to him when he stares up at me with those bright blue eyes. He does some of the cutest things, like when he eats, he sticks one leg straight up in the air, sometimes he kicks it around. He makes an "o" with his mouth whenever he's pooping, we call it the "poop face". He snores sometimes, he's just the cutest thing, you can't help but want to kiss him constantly. He's such a good baby too, he hardly fusses, when he does he stops as soon as you pick him up. He eats great, sleeps pretty well, although he doesn't understand that bedtime is 10 pm, not 1 am, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it eventually. Daddy will be the one on bedtime duty anyway once I start back to work. Mike is going to be the one who will get him up and dressed and off to daycare in the mornings, for that I'm thankful! I have a hard enough time getting to work on time as it is. I am going to post the latest slideshow it covers his first four weeks. I'm a bit obsessed with taking pictures of him, I want to capture every moment because I know soon they will be gone and he will grow up so very fast.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

He's HERE!!!


Born: September 2, 2007
12:01 pm
7lbs 10oz
20 1/4 inches long

Here is the story of Garrett's birth.

Friday the 31st I went to my 38 week doctor appointment where I was informed that I was dilated to 3 centimeters and 75% effaced and my bag of waters was bulging Dr. Deffenbaugh told me she thought she'd definitely see me in labor and delivery before my next appointment the following Friday. Exciting to think but I still was a little hesitant to get my hopes up. Doc thought that if my contractions stayed for the next couple hours I might even end up there that night. I really didn't want to deliver that day as it was Alexa's birthday and she had been adamant about NOT wanting to share her birthday. I considered canceling the BBQ we had scheduled to host at our home the next day, but Mike wasn't convinced...he pointed out my due date was still two weeks away and I wasn't in labor yet. I had been contracting off and on all night and decided the next morning that although I really wasn't in the mood to deal with the BBQ, it was for Alexa and I didn't want to let her down, plus it would give me something else to focus on as I wsa feeling like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. We rolled out of bed and went to Wal-Mart and bought all the groceries and supplies for the party. Then I came home and vacuumed, cleaned like a mad woman, moved a couch (bad, I know!) and worked my butt off til 1:00 when I got in the shower to get ready to entertain guests to arrive at 2 pm.

That's when I started feeling them. The contractions were starting to form a pattern and I noticed they were starting to hurt more. I entertained the thought for a moment that MAYBE labor was starting, but we all know how that goes...everyone thinks it's starting, gets their hopes up then nope. Well the contractions strengthened over the next few hours at the party. They were starting to come about four minutes apart by 4:00 pm. I decided to go ahead and call the doc who told me to head over to the hospital since this was my 3rd baby they thought it might go fast. I get to L & D, get all hooked up and they check me. Still only 3 cm, actually she said it was a "stretch to a 3" and not any more effaced than the day before. They had me get up and walk for 45 minutes, checked me again and I had made just the tiniest bit of progress but nothing substantial. They told me they were pretty certain that I would be back tonight and that this was early labor, to go home and get some rest. I was so let down...I didn't want to go home, I wanted to have a baby NOW.

So Mike went home to sleep and I headed to the mall to walk this baby out of me and pick up some last minute stuff like a nursing bra. I headed home two hours later and sat and watched a movie and to my despair my contractions seemed to slow down and almost disappear. I started to get really upset and stomped off to bed, saying the nurses were lying to me about being in labor, they just wanted to make me feel better and that this baby wasn't coming for another two weeks, I just knew it! I would have one good strong contraction every hour that woke me up from midnight till about 2:30 am. Mike came up to bed at 3:00. All of a sudden I had one really hard contraction and I started to feel something wet... I jumped out of bed and water was streaming down my legs. I was confused for a minute trying to figure out if it was my water breaking or not. It kept coming, so I was so HAPPY and relieved that NOW it was time to definitely go to the hospital that now I was DEFINITELY in labor. It was TIME!!!

When we got to L & D I was 3 to 4 cm and 80% effaced. It was 3:30 am. I labored until 7:00 am and decided to go ahead and get the epidural as they were starting to get pretty uncomfortable. When they checked me they kept saying something didn't feel "right", that where they were supposed to feel his head, it felt "squishy." One nurse said it felt like eyes! That freaked me out as I could imagine these women were poking my little guy in his eye! They brought in the ultrasound machine to check the position of his head. He apparently was facing the correct way and was head first, but his head was not engaged and he was trying to come out face first! Whispers of c-section started to fly. They decided to give me pitocin to increase the contractions to see if it would push him down further and to see if he would move his head. I got the epidural at that point, I was at 5 cm when I got it. Sweet sweet relief. I never thought I'd be one of those moms who fell asleep during labor, but yep I was OUT like a light, especially after I got a dose of benadryl b/c the epidural made me itch. Daddy takes another opportunity to nap, which he pretty much had been doing since 6:30 am anyway. When they came in at 10:30 am to check me they said I was at a 7 and they broke the rest of my water. By 11:30 I was at a 10 and his head was where it was supposed to be..thank god as I REALLY didn't want a c-section. This is my last child and I wanted to be able to deliver him vaginally. Started pushing at 11:30 and at 12:01 he made his way into the world with hardly any noise at all. Daddy cut the cord and they laid him right onto my chest, something I'd not had done with my other two. I instantly started to cry, even though he was the third baby, it felt just as emotional as the first one. I still want to cry when I look at him. I'm overwhelmed with love for this tiny little one.

We spent two days in the hospital and came home on Wednesday Sept 4. Adjusting to having a newborn has been so much easier than I anticipated. He's a great baby, we hardly hear a peep out of him. We just can't stop staring at him, he's so sweet and wonderful and a symbol of everything in this world that is good. Daddy is VERY VERY proud and so is mommy. Big brother and sister seem to be adjusting well, the dog however seems to be a bit confused but is coming around. He is protective of the baby we've noticed, he gets upset when the baby cries and if someone comes to visit he positions himself between visitor and baby.

We are so proud to introduce our new son to the world...we know you will all love him like we do!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday to big sister Alexa!

Today is Alexa's 13th birthday. I cannot believe I am the mother of a teenager now. However she is far from a typical teen and I am lucky in that aspect. She's the best daughter I could ask for, I'm very proud of the beautiful and talented young lady she's turned out to be!

And on that note, so far no baby today, so her wish has come true to NOT have to share her birthday with her new little brother!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pictures of Garrett's room

The crib is set up, just waiting for it's owner to come home and snuggle up in it!

We ended up using a different crib set than the one I bought off ebay. Mike's dad and stepmom bought us a a very precious set for my baby shower and we will use that for a while instead.

Fun with belly shots!

Not that kind of fun and not that kind of belly shot!

Here is the "progression" of the pregnant tummy!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Still pregnant! 37 weeks, 5 days...

Well the days definitely are dwindling down rapidly...I can't believe in just less than three weeks there will be a new little person in our home! That is less than three weeks if I don't go past my due date...which I need to mentally prepare for the idea that it COULD happen. I would think (desperately hope!) not after all the pre-term labor I've had to deal with and the fact that I'm two centimeters dialated as of last Friday and the doctor called that "a good start."

I try to stay busy by "nesting." For those of you who don't know what this means it's defined by another website quite well.

"Nesting- "This is an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world."

Those of you who know me know that I am NOT known for my housekeeping ability. I can admit that I am very much domestically challenged as cooking and cleaning are not my forte. Not that I live in filth or anything mind you, but my house is usually cluttered and things like scrubbing floors always seem to be low priority. I can also be woman enough to admit my shortcomings as a domestic diva bleed over to being very, very unorganzied. Clothes do get laundered but rarely put away in their proper drawers. But now we meet "Super House cleaner Heather" I love this new personality that's coming out of me! I can't stop cleaning. It's like some crazed mission that I'm actually DUSTING picture frames and the bottoms of my dining room chairs. (LOVE LOVE the swiffer duster!) I am much more driven suddenly to keep my surroundings neat, clean, and organized. Things like a granola bar wrapper left strewn about send me into a tizzy! This is not me!! Who is this woman? I have gone through closets that I have been putting off going through for years. I have probably used at least three bottles of laundry detergent this month alone. The Goodwill Store has also been the recipient of about six bags of clothing that my children, myself, and Mike outgrew years ago. I fear I'm running out of things to clean! I think I might tackle the fridge tonight...there are unknown science experiments sprouting from the crisper drawer.

Nesting rocks! 16 more days til he's due! I just need one more week and I'm ready!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

If's official, I'm huge...(36 weeks pregnant!)

ACK! My total weight gain now stands at 45 pounds. This is going to be so incredibly hard to lose. It took me almost two years to lose weight after Logan was born. I hope this time goes more smoothly. I am saying I am officially huge because it seems that everyone who sees me these days, strangers and friends both have the exact same thing to say "Wow, you are HUGE!" Seems the concensus is all in agreement. I feel huge. The muscles under my belly that support it are in pain pretty much all the time if I try to stand. As much as I don't want to be physically pregnant anymore...I'm still not quite ready to meet the little guy yet. I'm perfectly happy with him staying right where he is for a few more weeks. The kids start school on Wednesday and Alexa has a birthday coming up on the 31st. It's her 13th and she expects to have a party and I expect to be able to throw one for her. Garrett is much easier to take care of IN my belly as opposed to outside my belly, speaking from experience only. But however, nature may have other plans and we all know that once a baby decides he's ready to break out of his amniotic fluid filled cell, there's no going back! According to my 36 week visit I'm already dialated 1 to 2 cm and 75% effaced. That means my body is definitely preparing for labor, sooner rather than later. I've been having a lot of strong contractions that apparently are helping this process along. They never get regular enough to be considered actual labor though. We both have a bad feeling this child will come at some inconvenient time such as the 22nd when I have my baby shower at work, the kids start school that day, and Mike is supposed to go to a concert that night too. That would be our luck! Actually we are anxious to meet him and whenever he wants to come we will welcome him with open arms!

Oh, and there are only 27 more days til my actual due date...I know they will fly by too quickly.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Baby Shower!

On July 28, my wonderful mother in law threw a baby shower in my honor. It was very sweet of her and it was really fun. It was a special day surrounded by family and friends who "showered" me with presents for baby Garrett. She picked some fun games, the first one involved passing around a "traveling" gift based on a line from a poem. My friend Leslie won the prize. The 2nd game was one where we had blank lines and a list of words to put together common "mom" sayings, like "You'll poke your eye out" and "Put on a jacket!" I can't remember who won that game. The prizes were nice things from a store here in town called "The Warming House" that has the most beautiful home decorating items. I received a lot of gifts including clothes, diapers, books, toys, a crib blanket/bumper set, a nice ear thermometer and also a baby swing and a travel system (car seat & stroller combo). Everyone really had fun making floats out of ice cream and root beer, orange soda, cream soda or coke. I enjoyed spending time with everyone and getting to know some of Mike's family better. Here are a few pictures if anyone wants to view the rest they are at http://picasaweb.google.com/heather7

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

33 Week Appointment

I just got back from my 33 week appointment, no change, baby is still growing and has a perfect heartbeat of 140 beats per minute. It was a pretty uneventful appointment really, except it was the first one where I gained NO weight since the last appointment, which made me very happy. This little bouncing baby boy is getting so big that he is now more like a bumping baby boy instead, he's running out of room so instead of the kicks I was feeling, now it's more like nudges. Mike still thinks it's great fun to sit and watch my stomach jump around from the outside.

The doc is slightly concerned about all these contractions I keep having. Last Tuesday we spent the day at the hospital getting them monitored. They had to give me two shots to make them stop. They aren't producing any real labor or changes, but they want me to rest as much as I can and keep an eye on them. Doctor Deffenbaugh said at the appointment that she wants me to get to 36 weeks and after that baby would be fine to come early, which would also be FINE with me as that would mean only three more weeks of pregnancy. However, the way my life runs, this kid will just pretend he wants to come out all the time, but will make mommy suffer a complete 40 week (or more!) pregnancy. I keep telling him if he doesn't knock it off he will be grounded til he's 21 but apparently he doesn't believe me. He must have talked to my other kids who told him mom never follows through with groundings. (I'm too nice!)

We have a crib now and I can't wait to get his room finished. I will post pics when it's done. I am so very excited about my baby shower, which is this Saturday!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

31 Weeks

Friday the 13th wasn't a bad day for me this year, nothing horrible happened, however it was my 31 week doctor appointment. Garrett is still doing great, growing bigger and had a heartbeat of 160 beats per minute. I was relieved to find out I passed the 3 hour gestational diabetes test after I had failed the one hour test. Everyone keeps telling me that I look like I am about ready to pop any day...even the nurse at the appointment looked at me twice when she read in my chart that I was at 31 weeks and said "honey, you look more like 38!" These people just don't realize how big I get when I carry babies. I show right away (at 8 weeks) and just get bigger and bigger. So now there are 9 weeks left until my due date, I'm really hoping to go in the "safe range" of two weeks before my due date, which is closer to 7 weeks. Although I am getting very nervous because I don't have hardly anything ready yet! I did spend Saturday cleaning out the rather large walk-in closet portion of our room that will be the "baby's room." Now all we need is to move the crib in. I had gotten up early that day and gone to a rummage sale in a shall we say "upscale" part of town and hit the jackpot on 0 to 3 month size clothes. At least if he did come early now he would have a basinette to sleep in and some clothes to wear so I don't feel completely uprepared anymore. My wonderful mother in law is throwing my shower on the 28th, I can't wait!!! After that I will know what I have left to buy and can get the rest of everything ready. I can't believe that in less than 60 days there will be a whole new human being joining our family.

Here's how big I look as of Friday the 13th...(exactly 31 weeks)

And here are the pictures of the things I purchased to match our John Lennon Nursery collection that are on their way! I will post the pictures of the room as soon as it is finished, hopefully in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Garrett's First Pictures!

Isn't he the sweetest thing you've ever seen?

His name is Garrett Michael Sommerer, and even though I won't meet him until sometime around September 14th, I am so in love with this little baby boy.

On July 2nd we had our 3d/4d ultrasound. They are different than a regular ultrasound as you can actually see the baby instead of just black and white shadows. It was the most amazing experience. I instantly started to cry when I saw him, he is so beautiful. Mike and I were just in awe throughout the whole 20 minutes as we watched him move, open and close his mouth, stick out his tounge and even swallow! We confirmed he is DEFINITELY a boy as well. If you can afford one I would highly recommend this to any pregnant woman. The sonographer told us that we were really lucky to be getting such clear pictures, that most of them do NOT turn out this clear at all, but that I had "good fluid" that was helping to capture the pictures well. I will include a few other shots here, but if you want to see them all click this link:


Saturday, June 30, 2007

29 Week Appointment

All is still well with little baby this week. Heartbeat was 145 and strong, the doc found it right away. My screen for gestational diabetes came back showing my blood sugar as high so I was sent Friday to the hospital lab for further testing, the three hour screen they call it. It actually took four hours, with no eating for six hours before the test. I get there and they draw my blood, run it to make sure my blood sugar isn't already high, then I get to drink this nasty sugar drink and then have my blood drawn every hour for the next three hour to see how my body metabolizes sugar. I was starving and shakey by the time it was finally over at noon. I don't know the results yet, but I really hope they come back normal b/c I can't imagine not being able to eat ice cream for the rest of this pregnancy, which I hear is one big no-no for those who really have gestational diabetes.

Our 3d/4d ultrasound scan was supposed to be done on Thursday but the machine was broken, so it's rescheduled for Monday. Check back for the pictures, I will post them as soon as I get them, I'm so excited to see our little boy's face for the first time! Big sister will be attending the scan too. Speaking of big sister Alexa has been doing exceptionally well lately at her horse shows. Last weekend over two days she won 7 First Place ribbons, 1 Third Place, 1 Fourth Place, and 1 Trophy for having the day's highest point total. All of her hard work with training the most obstinate horse in the world has really paid off, I'm very proud of her.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The night before last our evening entertainment was hooking up Mike's ipod to the baby sounds device that I bought that lets us listen to baby's heartbeat and play music for the baby as well. Mike got the biggest kick out of actually seeing my stomach jump around as Garrett rolled and kicked. It was so fun to see his reaction, just "wow" in total awe. I have to admit it does look a little strange to look down and see your belly moving around on it's own. Now every night we play "watch the baby" before we go to bed as this seems to be his most active time. Guess he's going to be a night owl like the rest of the family!

Oh, and 76 more days til baby due (but who's counting right?)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

27 1/2 Week Belly Picture!

Getting bigger and bigger....I feel like a beached whale!

84 more days til my due date!

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John Lennon Baby Bedding!

Awwww...yesterday I recieved my ebay purchase of the John Lennon designed Music Parade crib bedding set. It's so cute! We thought it appropriate since Mike is a musician and I have a strong love for music too. The mobile plays the song "Imagine" and on the bedding there are little musical notes all over the background. Here is a picture...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Play guess the baby...

Click here to particpate in our exciting fun on-line baby pool! Guess the gender (if you are paying attention you are sure to get that right), the date of birth, weight, etc.

Just click on this link!

Friday, June 8, 2007

26 Week Doctor visit

Garrett and I went to see my doc on Wednesday the 6th for the "26th week" visit. I have been going once every four weeks since I was 6 weeks along. I didn't get to see my normal doc because she was on vacation so I saw one of the other docs at the practice. She was very nice but I felt like she rushed me a bit, in and out of the room in less than five minutes. Garrett's heartbeat was 151 beats per minute. My tummy is measuring 30 inches (should be at about 26, which either means I am too fat or baby is BIG!) I have been having what I feel are a lot of contractions, but doc said as long as they stay under 4 an hour to just drink lots of water and stay off my feet as much as I can. I think I can manage that!

He's kicking up a storm today, just wriggling and punching like crazy. I am one week away from starting the third trimester, then the countdown really begins. 14 more weekends to sleep in!

We have our next ultrasound in three weeks, I'm so excited to get to see the little guy again. This one will be one of those really cool new 3d/4d ultrasounds where you can actually see what the baby looks like. I am going to take Alexa and Logan with me on this one on June 28. Can't wait!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Belly pic 24 Weeks!

Is there any more room for this child in my stomach? I will be extended from here to Canada soon, I can't believe there are still 15 weeks left of this pregnancy, I feel like my stomach is going to rupture! Here I am at 24 weeks....

Monday, May 21, 2007

Baby's first trip he will never remember...

This past weekend Mike and I set out on the open road and drove the mindlessly boring interstate 55 to Memphis, Tennessee. It was our first real vacation together in the six years we've been a couple. We picked Memphis because it has something for us both, for him the World Championship Memphis in May BBQ contest and for me, well eating the BBQ of course and because it's known as the birthplace of Rock N Roll.

We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather for our drive and our trip. It was beautiful - sunny and only about 75 degrees the whole time. When we first got to town it was about 7 at night, exhausted after driving all day we stopped in at our hotel, a nice comfy Baymont Inn. Nothing extravagant but no roach motel either. We then decided on dinner at the World Famous Rondezvous restaurant. I think Mike died and went to rib heaven that night. I've never heard so many moans of satisfaction come from him before, LOL. After he enjoyed a pitcher of beer, and me just an ice tea or two, we wandered around downtown a bit, getting our bearings. Stopped in to a bar called "The Flying Saucer" checked out a rockin cover band and had I threw down a non alcoholic beer while he had a few of the real thing (can you tell I'm getting jealous at this point?) we went back to the hotel and crashed.

The next day we went to the BBQ championship. We had watched the coverage of this on the Food Network (Mike's favorite channel) but there was nothing like seeing it in person. My only complaint was not getting to sample the goods. It was a pretty day on the riverfront but the competition was over one mile long, so after a few rounds I was pretty tired and baby was starting his not so fun let's make mommy freak out and start giving her contractions game. We got a lot of sun and excercise and did get to go "behind the scenes" and meet one of last years championships so Mike was able to get some bbq-ing secrets from the pros. (Which he used back home to make some mighty fine pulled pork!)

Saturday was rock and roll day as we hit Sun Studios early that morning for a walk into the past, standing in the very stuido where Elvis Presley made his first recording. He, of course, was followed by many big names such as Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis. It was a really interesting muesum and tour both, as well as a fully functioning studio today where a lot of top acts and unknowns both record. Next we went to Beale Street for lunch and shopping. We ate the "Best Meal on Beale" at the Blues City Cafe, where the filmed a scene in the movie "The Firm" and was an authentic 50's southern diner. Ribs of course! We then toured the Smithsonean's "Rock and Soul Mueseum" and took the behind the scenes tour of the Gibson Guitar Factory. We popped in and out of some interesting shops like "Tater Red's Voodoo Shop." We met some people from Fulton, Missouri of all places and hung with them for a while, I enjoyed a really large virgin daquiri and got really strange looks from people as I'm as big as a house with baby and they don't know it's a virgin drink. We checked out Coyote Ugly and the Hard Rock Cafe like good little tourists do. We stopped in at B.B.Kings but it was so crowded we just used the bathroom then left. We saw the best band playing outside on the street beside a bar, playing blues while fans danced in the street, we never got their name. We then had dinner at Pearl's Oyster House, which reminded me a lot of my old favorite the Cracked Crab but just a little fancier. They had some very delicious crab cakes that I wolfed down, I was starving after all that walking. We left Beale Street around midnight and got lost heading back to our hotel. When my head finally hit the pillow at 2 am, I was exhausted.

We got up Sunday and after a quick waffle-house breakfast we went to Graceland, the home of the King of Rock & Roll, (DUh, Elvis...) It was $50 for both of us to tour a house that probably wasn't much bigger than my mother in law's. I couldn't get over how much smaller it was than I expected. I expected a mansion, but really it's just a larger size home. It was worth the money though, the tour was very good, but nothign like I expected. The Jungle Room sounded like this crazy room when really all it was was a standard living room with shaggy green carpet and one of those little pond/waterfall plastic things on one wall. Not the wild and crazy den I had imagined over the years. Even the pool was small to me. We did visit the grave of Elvis outside who is buried next to his mom, dad and baby twin brother who died at birth, another thing I never knew about Elvis. After Graceland we dined at the famous Neely's Interstate BBQ and for the first time I tried BBQ spaghetti, it was actually really good.

With full bellies and tired bodies we started our six hour drive home, which Mike slept most of the way through. It was definitely a fun vacation and the break I needed so desperately. I'm glad we went when we did, although I wish I could have enjoyed Beale Street as a non-pregnant person. I think we will definitely go back though, maybe for Mardi-Gras next year!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Baby bumps

So last night for the first time Mike was able to feel the baby kick! I was sure he wouldn't be able to feel it but I was suprised when Garrett kicked and Mike asked right away if that was it before I could ask him if he had felt it! Baby is doing a little boogie dance right now inside my tummy since I just got finished eating a whole package of sugar coated spice drops. My baby loves sugar just like mommy :-)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Week 21!

So I'm on the downhill slide from week 21 to week 40. 19 more weeks of being pregnant. It sounds like a lot but wow is it going by fast. 19 more weekends to sleep in. 8 more paychecks between now & then. It's odd to think of this in such a practical manner but that's just the strange way my little head works.

My tummy is getting so stretched out, it's just starting to be uncomfortable for me to find a good sleeping position. I miss sleeping on my stomach SO much. I know it's only going to get worse from here too. Other than that, everything is going well. The little guy started really kicking about a little over a week ago and now I'm really feeling it more and more everyday. He keeps rolling up in a ball, which is slightly painful and I wish he would quit!

Nothing much more to blog about for now!


Thursday, May 3, 2007

The results are in!

Everything looked wonderful as far as the technician could tell us, and the new due date is now September 12 (2 days earlier...yay!) I was a little suprised as I felt like it was a girl, so much for mother's intuition. Daddy is very proud and we are both, of course, excited. It was so cute watching him get all excited when the little guy's bottom flashed across the screen and he saw the boy parts before the ultrasound tech even pointed them out. He about shouted "Are those testicles I see?" and the tech confirmed it by saying "Sure is. It is definitely a boy!"

It was really fascinating to see all his organs, especially when they took pictures of his little beating heart. Mike was really good at figuring out what things were, like the brain etc. I was at an awkward angle and had a hard time making out what was what.

Wish me luck because now the number of males officially outweighs the number of females in our home. Alexa gets to retain her status as my only baby girl. What's scary is realizing she will be a senior in high school when this baby boy starts kindergarden! We still don't know what Logan's reaction will be, he will find out when he gets home from his dads on Sunday.

I'm a little nervous as I've heard only horror stories about what a "spirited" child my hubby was as a toddler. It must have been pretty bad if the whole family still talks about it thirty years later, GULP! Hopefully some of my mellow personality will shall we say calm him down a bit? If not I might have my hands full! I am just glad that I will have a helpful co-parent this time around. I think my hubby will make a wonderful daddy. I have never seen a man so excited. We are officially 20 weeks along now, so we are halfway there and he is ready for the baby to be here now. I, on the other hand, know what to expect with the no more sleeping til 10 on Saturday's, no more sleeping for the next three years; dirty diapers, etc so I am very patient and in no hurry for him to come out. I will probably retract that statement when I'm 9 months along and huge.

If you already participated (or want to) in the online baby pool and want to change your guess now that we know the gender and that the due date was changed here is the link:


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Less than 24 hours to go!

As of today
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But only for today! As of this time tomorrow we will know what this little jumping bean is and for sure that it is healthy. I can't imagine that it's not.

Not much else going on these days, getting ready for our big trip to Memphis next month. I am hoping that I won't be too waddly to walk as the plans include a LOT of walking around. Been hitting the YMCA a lot to get myself in shape for it.

Baby is kicking pretty hard as we speak..I love this feeling.

The ever expanding incredible baby belly!

Here is the progression every two weeks so far, starting at

12 Weeks
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14 Weeks

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16 Weeks

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18 Weeks
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21 Weeks

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Welcome everyone, anyone!

Welcome to our baby's blog! I am getting started on this a little late in the game as I hit the halfway mark of 20 weeks in just a couple more days.

Mike and I are expecting this little miracle to be born sometime around September 14, 2007.
This is our first baby together, his first but my third child. It's hard to believe we are starting over again with a baby this far into life, as I am 31 and he is 40 and my daughter is 12 and son is 8. He is the most excited expectant father I think I have ever seen. Last night he created a playlist on his ipod and played music for the baby through a special headset we bought for this. He is determined to pass on his musical taste as early as possible. It's the sweetest thing.

On April 27th we will be celebrating the 20 week point with a early morning (8 AM) ultrasound, hopefully discovering what gender this little wiggle worm is going to be! I started to really feel the baby move a lot this week, its a strange feeling to have something inside you moving around. I haven't felt it in over nine years and this one sure feels like it is about to punch a hole through my stomach at any time it's so strong! So far most everyone seems to think this is a boy child, but the more I feel it move I get this overwhelming sensation that it's a girl. We will soon find out!

I may be going back on my next post and recapping some of the events of the pregnancy up until now just to play catch up.

2 days til the ultrasound! I am so nervous and excited both at once!