Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Welcome everyone, anyone!

Welcome to our baby's blog! I am getting started on this a little late in the game as I hit the halfway mark of 20 weeks in just a couple more days.

Mike and I are expecting this little miracle to be born sometime around September 14, 2007.
This is our first baby together, his first but my third child. It's hard to believe we are starting over again with a baby this far into life, as I am 31 and he is 40 and my daughter is 12 and son is 8. He is the most excited expectant father I think I have ever seen. Last night he created a playlist on his ipod and played music for the baby through a special headset we bought for this. He is determined to pass on his musical taste as early as possible. It's the sweetest thing.

On April 27th we will be celebrating the 20 week point with a early morning (8 AM) ultrasound, hopefully discovering what gender this little wiggle worm is going to be! I started to really feel the baby move a lot this week, its a strange feeling to have something inside you moving around. I haven't felt it in over nine years and this one sure feels like it is about to punch a hole through my stomach at any time it's so strong! So far most everyone seems to think this is a boy child, but the more I feel it move I get this overwhelming sensation that it's a girl. We will soon find out!

I may be going back on my next post and recapping some of the events of the pregnancy up until now just to play catch up.

2 days til the ultrasound! I am so nervous and excited both at once!

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