Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday to big sister Alexa!

Today is Alexa's 13th birthday. I cannot believe I am the mother of a teenager now. However she is far from a typical teen and I am lucky in that aspect. She's the best daughter I could ask for, I'm very proud of the beautiful and talented young lady she's turned out to be!

And on that note, so far no baby today, so her wish has come true to NOT have to share her birthday with her new little brother!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pictures of Garrett's room

The crib is set up, just waiting for it's owner to come home and snuggle up in it!

We ended up using a different crib set than the one I bought off ebay. Mike's dad and stepmom bought us a a very precious set for my baby shower and we will use that for a while instead.

Fun with belly shots!

Not that kind of fun and not that kind of belly shot!

Here is the "progression" of the pregnant tummy!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Still pregnant! 37 weeks, 5 days...

Well the days definitely are dwindling down rapidly...I can't believe in just less than three weeks there will be a new little person in our home! That is less than three weeks if I don't go past my due date...which I need to mentally prepare for the idea that it COULD happen. I would think (desperately hope!) not after all the pre-term labor I've had to deal with and the fact that I'm two centimeters dialated as of last Friday and the doctor called that "a good start."

I try to stay busy by "nesting." For those of you who don't know what this means it's defined by another website quite well.

"Nesting- "This is an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world."

Those of you who know me know that I am NOT known for my housekeeping ability. I can admit that I am very much domestically challenged as cooking and cleaning are not my forte. Not that I live in filth or anything mind you, but my house is usually cluttered and things like scrubbing floors always seem to be low priority. I can also be woman enough to admit my shortcomings as a domestic diva bleed over to being very, very unorganzied. Clothes do get laundered but rarely put away in their proper drawers. But now we meet "Super House cleaner Heather" I love this new personality that's coming out of me! I can't stop cleaning. It's like some crazed mission that I'm actually DUSTING picture frames and the bottoms of my dining room chairs. (LOVE LOVE the swiffer duster!) I am much more driven suddenly to keep my surroundings neat, clean, and organized. Things like a granola bar wrapper left strewn about send me into a tizzy! This is not me!! Who is this woman? I have gone through closets that I have been putting off going through for years. I have probably used at least three bottles of laundry detergent this month alone. The Goodwill Store has also been the recipient of about six bags of clothing that my children, myself, and Mike outgrew years ago. I fear I'm running out of things to clean! I think I might tackle the fridge tonight...there are unknown science experiments sprouting from the crisper drawer.

Nesting rocks! 16 more days til he's due! I just need one more week and I'm ready!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

If's official, I'm huge...(36 weeks pregnant!)

ACK! My total weight gain now stands at 45 pounds. This is going to be so incredibly hard to lose. It took me almost two years to lose weight after Logan was born. I hope this time goes more smoothly. I am saying I am officially huge because it seems that everyone who sees me these days, strangers and friends both have the exact same thing to say "Wow, you are HUGE!" Seems the concensus is all in agreement. I feel huge. The muscles under my belly that support it are in pain pretty much all the time if I try to stand. As much as I don't want to be physically pregnant anymore...I'm still not quite ready to meet the little guy yet. I'm perfectly happy with him staying right where he is for a few more weeks. The kids start school on Wednesday and Alexa has a birthday coming up on the 31st. It's her 13th and she expects to have a party and I expect to be able to throw one for her. Garrett is much easier to take care of IN my belly as opposed to outside my belly, speaking from experience only. But however, nature may have other plans and we all know that once a baby decides he's ready to break out of his amniotic fluid filled cell, there's no going back! According to my 36 week visit I'm already dialated 1 to 2 cm and 75% effaced. That means my body is definitely preparing for labor, sooner rather than later. I've been having a lot of strong contractions that apparently are helping this process along. They never get regular enough to be considered actual labor though. We both have a bad feeling this child will come at some inconvenient time such as the 22nd when I have my baby shower at work, the kids start school that day, and Mike is supposed to go to a concert that night too. That would be our luck! Actually we are anxious to meet him and whenever he wants to come we will welcome him with open arms!

Oh, and there are only 27 more days til my actual due date...I know they will fly by too quickly.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Baby Shower!

On July 28, my wonderful mother in law threw a baby shower in my honor. It was very sweet of her and it was really fun. It was a special day surrounded by family and friends who "showered" me with presents for baby Garrett. She picked some fun games, the first one involved passing around a "traveling" gift based on a line from a poem. My friend Leslie won the prize. The 2nd game was one where we had blank lines and a list of words to put together common "mom" sayings, like "You'll poke your eye out" and "Put on a jacket!" I can't remember who won that game. The prizes were nice things from a store here in town called "The Warming House" that has the most beautiful home decorating items. I received a lot of gifts including clothes, diapers, books, toys, a crib blanket/bumper set, a nice ear thermometer and also a baby swing and a travel system (car seat & stroller combo). Everyone really had fun making floats out of ice cream and root beer, orange soda, cream soda or coke. I enjoyed spending time with everyone and getting to know some of Mike's family better. Here are a few pictures if anyone wants to view the rest they are at